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Remember the QCWA in your will

A bequest is a very real way to ensure the QCWA can continue to support women and their families in need, particularly those living in regional, rural and remote Queensland communities.

After consideration for your loved ones, we would gratefully appreciate a bequest.

There are three types of bequests:

    1. Specific bequests: particular gifts such as real estate, books or clothing.
    2. General bequests: a sum of money or percentage of the value of the estate made to a particular person or organisation.
    3. Residuary bequests: the remains of an estate after specific and general bequests have been paid.

We suggest the use of the following wording in your will:

“I bequeath to the Queensland Country Women’s Association of Level 1, 11 Cleveland Street Stones Corner Queensland 4120, for its general purposes, free of all duties, the following:

The sum of $………………….OR ..............% of my estate OR the residue of my estate.

I declare that the receipt of the QCWA authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executor.”

We strongly recommend that you seek advice from a solicitor to ensure that this wording is appropriate for your will.

Download the QCWA Bequest form and information here


Become a QCWA Member

Whether you’re interested in networking, making new connections and friends, sharing and learning new skills, or helping your local community, the QCWA has a membership type to suit. Your membership fee assists QCWA to continue improving lives. 

Donate to QCWA

By donating you will be boosting our capacity to continue our important work improving the lives of rural women and their families across Queensland. Donations can be general or specific.  

Bequests to QCWA

By donating you will be boosting our capacity to continue our important work improving the lives of rural women and their families across Queensland. Donations can be general or specific.  


Each year the QCWA offers a range of bursaries to assist secondary and tertiary students continue their studies. Areas of study currently include agriculture and rural topics, hospitality, photography, music, dance and textiles, and medical.

Public Rural Crisis Fund

100% of your donation goes to the family in need; Queenslanders in rural, regional and remote locations impacted by drought, flood, bushfire or other emergencies.

QCWA Sponsorships

Our sponsors, partners and connections are an essential part of our community, enabling us to continue much of our giving and support functions. In return the QCWA offers unique benefits tailored to businesses who partner with us.  

The QCWA would like to thank the following for their valued support.

What bonds us is friendship and a strong desire to help others.
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