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Kits for kids

Education for all

While our primary school children have easy access to the tools of learning such as pens, pencils, paper and chalk, young students in our neighbouring South Pacific nations, may not be so fortunate.  Availability of these items can make an enormous positive difference to the learning outcomes for these young children. 

Kits for Kids is the QCWA's project providing A4 boxes of these much-needed classroom items to school children in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and other nations in the South Pacific Area.

QCWA Branch members secure in-kind donations or fundraise to purchase school resources.  The kits are boxed then delivered and stored at a Rotary International warehouse in Brisbane for shipping to South Pacific Area nations. 

Members and the general public can help these school children to have access to the basic items for classroom learning and contribute to improved educational outcomes where they are desperately needed, and gratefully received. 

How to help

If you would like to improve the learning outcomes for school children in our region please contact you closest QCWA Branch to offer assistance. Alternatively, you can put together a Kit for Kids containing the items listed below and make arrangements for delivery to you closest QCWA branch. 

Kits for Kids contents

  • One ream of white A4 paper
  • Sheets A4 coloured card
  • Smaller pieces of coloured card
  • Lead pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Coloured crayons and pencils
  • Exercise books
  • Biros
  • Chalk -white and coloured
  • Wooden rulers (preferred)
  • Child’s craft scissors
  • Glue or Clag (not glue stick)
  • Paper clips
  • Small bulldog clips
  • Drawstring Fabric Bags
  • Exercise books

Thank you for helping children in need.

Please contact the State International Officer for more information or to arrange transportation of complete kits.

The QCWA would like to thank the following for their valued support.

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