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writing & public speaking

Effective writing and public speaking

Perhaps you have always wanted to write but not quite had the motivation. Or you love writing and want to improve your skills in short stories or poetry. Or you might be one of thousands of people who are terrified of public speaking; or one of the few who love it.

In any case our competitions will give you the platform to become involved and learn while forming new contacts and making friends.

It does not matter where you live or what your level of writing or speaking, you can get involved today. The QCWA provides an opportunity for speakers to practice in front of a supportive audience.

One QCWA member who won for her essays two years in a row has gone on to write two books!

2025 Public Speaking Topics

  1. Books Better than Movies
  2. The Value of Volunteering
  3. Happiness - Just a Word or a Possibility
  4. The Depletion of Work Ethic
  5. I Dreamed a Dream of a World......

2025 Short Story Topics

  1. A Bush Character
  2. How I Embrace Technology
  3. Whatever Happened to Manners
  4. If my ancestors had emigrated to Ontario I would probably be.....

For all enquiries please contact:

For other competition details click the areas of skill you are interested in below and have a go!

The QCWA would like to thank the following for their valued support.

What bonds us is friendship and a strong desire to help others.
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